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October 3, 2024

Why Self-Awareness is Important

Self-awareness is essential to personal growth, emotional intelligence, and professional success. It enables individuals to remain aware of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours and to develop a clear understanding of these in a world where mental wellbeing and personal development are increasingly being recognised to be all important. Ultimately, it can be a means of changing lives.

What is Self-Awareness?

Self-awareness is the ability to recognise and consider our emotional states, thoughts, beliefs, and interactions with the world. It is the foundation of emotional intelligence and is important for developing a better understanding of ourselves.

There are two main types of self-awareness:

  1. Internal: This is how well we understand our emotions, values, and behaviours. It helps us reflect on how we see ourselves and how it influences our decisions and actions.
  2. External: This is our ability to see how others view us. It allows us to evaluate whether the image we project is the same as our intentions and values.

Understanding both forms of self-awareness allows us to alter our behaviours and make conscious decisions that lead to personal and professional development.

The Importance of Self-Awareness in Personal Development

Emotional Regulation

One of the most important benefits of self-awareness is the ability to deal with our emotions effectively. When we are aware of our emotions, we can control how we react in stressful or challenging situations. Emotional regulation is not about suppressing feelings but rather noticing them and dealing with them in a positive way. This leads to better decision-making and healthier relationships.

For example, if we recognise that we are feeling nervous prior to some event self-awareness allows us to find the root cause of that anxiety and come up with strategies to cope, such as deep breathing exercises or taking notice of what we see around us.

Improved Decision-Making

Self-awareness makes you better at decision-making, by providing a positive look into the way we see things, motivations, and thought processes. When we understand our own tendencies, we can make decisions that are more beneficial to us and those around. This is most important in professional settings, where self-awareness can prevent impulsive actions and see a strategic way of thinking.

For instance, a self-aware manager who recognises they may favour certain team members can work towards being more mindful in their ways, leading to fairer decision-making.

Strengthening Relationships

The ability to understand and manage your emotions directly impacts personal relationships. Self-awareness promotes empathy, as it helps us to understand the emotions of others. When we are aware of our communication style, body language, and reactions, we are more likely to have positive and productive relationships.

As a further matter, external self-awareness allows individuals to evaluate how others see their actions and behaviours. This is crucial in both personal and professional relationships, as it allows us to change our approach to better meet the needs and expectations of others.

Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem

Self-awareness can improve confidence and self-esteem. When we understand our strengths and weaknesses, we are ready to focus on personal development and improvement. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, people who are self-aware set realistic goals and work on building their ability to become successful. This naturally boosts confidence and helps individuals feel more confident in their abilities.

By regularly looking at our personal growth, we can understand the progress we have made, leading to a more positive self-image and a greater self-worth.

Practical Ways to Develop Self-Awareness

Mindfulness Practices

Mindfulness is a good way to develop self-awareness. By taking part in regular mindfulness exercises, such as meditation or deep breathing, we can become more aware of their thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations. These activities help in recognising emotional triggers and understanding how to manage them in a healthy way.

Seeking Feedback

Another important method for improving self-awareness is getting feedback from friends, family, and colleagues. They can offer insights into how we are seen and provide us with constructive criticism that can lead to personal growth. It is essential to approach feedback with an open mind and a willingness to reflect on the information provided.

Keeping a Journal

Writing in a journal is a good way to track emotions, thoughts, and reactions to different situations. This process helps us to identify areas where we can grow. By regularly writing down our experiences, we can see common patterns in our behaviour and develop a deeper understanding of how we respond to different challenges. Over time, this activity helps in having a greater self-awareness.


Making time for self-reflection is an important part of the journey. Taking a few minutes each day to reflect on personal experiences, decisions, and emotional reactions can lead to better views on situations. This process helps individuals to identify areas where they can grow and to celebrate personal achievements.


By developing both internal and external self-awareness, individuals can regulate their emotions, make better decisions, strengthen relationships, and have more confidence and self-esteem. Practising mindfulness, seeking feedback, and engaging in regular self-reflection, can help us develop our self-awareness, meaning we have a more fulfilled and balanced life.

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