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October 3, 2024

Meditation Benefits – A Deep Dive into Human Wellbeing

Meditation benefits are both broad and deep. Meditation is deeply transformative in that it can significantly enhance both mental and physical wellbeing. With life moving faster than ever, it’s no wonder more people are turning to meditation as a healthier and restoring way to reconnect with themselves and their family and friends. What exactly does meditation do, and how can you use it to deepen your life experiences? Let’s explore.

What Exactly is Meditation?

At its core, meditation is decluttering the mind and brain of content that brings about conflict. Simply by being connected emotionally and mentally (physically we are here anyway) to what’s happening and attending to what’s directly in front of us. Our fast-paced modern lifestyles do not give us space or time to think or feel. As a result, we turn to unhealthier ways to distract us from the chatter in our mind.  Meditation has been around for thousands of years, rooted in ancient traditions to feel at one, and connected to both our inner and outer worlds simultaneously. Unfortunately, we have made this beautiful and natural process into a tool for managing stress, reducing anxiety and depression, and in some cases detaching from those feelings that are deemed unattractive to society.

Meditation isn’t about escaping from the world. It’s about meeting life and its challenges as they come, pass through sad, bad and even glad times so that we grow in wisdom, connection – even the messy, uncomfortable parts of life is felt all of us, not just the few. By doing so, we can learn to respond to others’ life’s challenges with compassion and calmness.

Why Meditation is a Game Changer in Mental Wellbeing

One of the biggest reasons people are drawn to meditation is its powerful effect on mental wellbeing. In today’s fast-paced, hyper-connected world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Meditation is that instant awareness of knowing what we need to restore connection to wellbeing.

Meditation on Stress and Anxiety

When we feel stressed, our bodies react to produce cortisol – the hormone responsible for that ‘fight or flight’ feeling. While helpful when we are in physical danger, mental and emotional stress on the other hand can lead to health issues like heart disease or depression. Meditation helps inhibit cortisol production by activating the body’s natural relaxation mode -the vagul tone. In fact, studies have shown that meditation lowers cortisol levels, making us feel more relaxed and less anxious.

Imagine meditation as your mind’s way of taking a deep breath – it allows space for your thoughts to settle, leaving you better equipped to handle the challenges of the day.

Improving Focus and Concentration

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to focus on just one thing in today’s world of constant distractions? Meditation can anchor your attention and aid your brain to do just that. By noticing inattention we bring back our focus to what we are doing. Meditation strengthens the neural pathways responsible for wider scope of attention and the narrow point of concentration.

Think of your mind like a cinema screen – the more you can observe and take in, the wider your attention spreads. It’s no wonder that many people report being more productive after introducing meditation into their routine.

Physical Health Benefits: Meditation Beyond the Mind

Meditation doesn’t just impact the mind – it can also have tangible effects on your physical health.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Regular meditation has been shown to lower blood pressure by encouraging relaxation and reducing the body’s stress response. It does this by slowing down the heart rate and reducing the strain on your blood vessels.

For those dealing with hypertension, incorporating meditation into a daily routine could be a simple, natural way to complement traditional treatments.

Improves Sleep Quality

Struggling to get a good night’s sleep? Meditation could help. By non-judgementally observing  the thoughts that race through the mind and at the same time allowing the body to relax fully, the thoughts feel seen and heard, which can lead to deeper, more restful sleep. For those suffering from insomnia or irregular sleep patterns, a hot herbal tea while meditating can be a natural remedy to quiet the mind before bed.

How Meditation Rewires Your Brain

Meditation doesn’t just feel good – it physically changes your brain. Studies using brain scans have shown that meditation can increase grey matter in areas associated with memory, learning, and self-awareness, while also reducing the size of the amygdala, the part of the brain linked to fear and stress.

What does this mean for you? With regular meditation, you might find it easier to manage emotions, make decisions, and stay calm under pressure. It’s like upgrading your brain’s software to a more efficient version, allowing you to better handle life’s ups and downs.

Starting a Meditation Practice: Simple Steps for Beginners

You don’t need to meditate for hours or have a dedicated meditation room to experience the benefits. Here’s how to get started with just a few minutes a day:

  1. Find a Quiet Spot: It doesn’t have to be silent, but a place with minimal distractions works best.
  2. Start Small: Begin with just 5-10 minutes of meditation a day. As you become more comfortable, you can extend the time.
  3. Focus on Your Breath: Simply pay attention to your breathing. Notice how it feels as you inhale and exhale. If your mind wanders (and it will), gently bring it back to your breath.
  4. Be Patient: Meditation is a practice, not a perfection. Some days will feel easy, while others might be more challenging – and that’s okay.

Read our article for more information on starting your meditation journey.

Debunking Common Myths About Meditation

Many people are put off by meditation because of common misconceptions. Let’s clear some of those up.

Myth: “I Don’t Have Time to Meditate”

You don’t need to dedicate time to meditation for it to be effective. Even just a few minutes a day of self-awareness can make a difference.

Myth: “I Can’t Stop My Thoughts, So I Can’t Meditate”

The goal of meditation isn’t to stop thinking. In fact, thoughts are a natural part of the process. Meditation teaches you how to observe your thoughts, non-judgementally, without getting caught up in them. It’s more about creating space to observe your thoughts and reactions.

Myth “Only Certain People Can Meditate”

Meditation is for everyone, regardless of age, background, or lifestyle. All it takes is a bit of curiosity and no expectations.

Meditation Benefits Conclusion

Meditation is one of the simplest, yet most powerful tools we can use to bring wellbeing naturally into life. From reducing stress and anxiety to improving focus and even rewiring the brain for better emotional balance, its benefits are vast and scientifically backed.

Whether you’re looking to boost your productivity, manage stress, or simply find a little more peace in your day, meditation is already a part of your life, you are just not aware it is. Start being aware of what grabs your attention, be consistent in noticing your thoughts and feelings whether they are big or small, and enjoy those moments of self-discovery that meditation brings that connects you to everything.

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